Evaluating the practice in Swedish school-age educare: Issues and contradictions

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School-age educare, Evaluation, Neo-institutional logics, Teaching, Learning


This article reports how teachers in Swedish school-age educare evaluate (SAEC) their practice. The study was conducted within a research- and development programme and is based on 47 teachers’ written reflections about performing evaluations. The reflections have been analysed using various neo-institutional logics. The results indicate that the teachers’ focus, regarding both the children and the practice, is directed differently when they are guided by different logics. When guided by the market logic, teachers focus on customer preferences and customer satisfaction. Guided by the professional logic, teachers focus the collective as well as the activities and the organisation around them. Guided by the bureaucratic and state logics, the teachers focus on the formal teaching, the individual child, and the school-age educare goal fulfilment. The results also show issues and contradictions concerning how to evaluate, what to evaluate, and when to evaluate. One possible claim is that the learning processes at the school-age educare are broad and complex, and thus difficult to “mould” to fit into evaluation schemes.


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How to Cite

Ackesjö, H. . (2022). Evaluating the practice in Swedish school-age educare: Issues and contradictions. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 3(1), 60–73. https://doi.org/10.37291/2717638X.202231153