How digital activities become (im)possible in Swedish school-age educare centres

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School-age educare, Digital tools, Digital activities


This study explores how digital tools play a part in the practices of Swedish school-age educare centres (SAEC). The aim is to contribute knowledge about opportunities and/or obstacles in and with digital activities in SAEC practices. Data is produced using observations and conversations at five SAEC centres. The SAEC practice is found to be characterized by three different approaches to digital tools and their use: 1) A permeating practice, where digital tools are an integrated part of the whole day, 2) A happening practice, where digital tools are present on special occasions, and 3) A neglecting practice, where digital tools are absent. These differences can be connected to how teachers interpret their assignment but also to differences in competence, access, and interest in relation to digital tools. This entails that SAEC pupils are given unequal opportunities to develop digital skills.


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How to Cite

Elvstrand, H., Stenliden, L., & Lago, L. (2023). How digital activities become (im)possible in Swedish school-age educare centres. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 4(1), 84–94.